The Viking Fire Protection management team aims to protect the firm’s human, material, and financial resources against all accidental losses and maintain our commitment to work with employees in a spirit of cooperation and consultation regarding issues relating to occupational health & safety environment.
Our goal is to achieve excellence in the areas of health and safety, environment, sustainability, quality, customer service, and productivity. We consider these fundamental objectives to be an integral and essential part of planning, design, purchasing, manufacturing, construction, maintenance, and service.
Self-respect, respect for others, respect for our product, and respect for the environment must be first and foremost in all our activities. We believe that the safest method is also the most productive one and, consequently, that safety is essential to our employees’ well-being and the success of the firm.
Everyone at Viking Fire Protection is entitled to a safe and healthy workplace. Therefore, we all must take responsibility for both our safety and the safety of others in carrying out our tasks. We must do everything necessary to ensure and maintain a safe and healthy working environment and conform to the laws and regulations in effect on occupational health and safety.
As a responsible company, Viking Fire Protection is committed to putting in place the necessary human, financial, organizational, and technical measures to:
- Develop and maintain a management system incorporating worker’s safety and environmental management which is consistent with our business plan and orientations from ISO 45001 international standards;
- Comply with local laws, contracts or other stipulated requirements;
- Protect the health and safety of people that are carrying out work for Viking Fire Protection by implementing prevention measures;
- Promoting and developing awareness, leadership, and accountability concerning environmental protection and safety among all employees and persons working for or on behalf of Viking Fire Protection;
- Prevent pollution and reduce and manage waste to minimize its potential impacts on the environment;
- Proactively analyze the risks associated with our operations regarding the environment and people’s safety and involve management in the execution of an associated annual action plan;
- Adopt measurable goals and means of achieving them;
- Continually improve the effectiveness of our management system and our EHS performances.
- The executives, managers, and employees must work together to prevent damages and losses, raise consciousness on health and safety and environmental issues and plan and maintain our various objectives.
- We must get involved and unite in the effort to attain these fundamental objectives, to ensure that we stay leaders in occupational health and safety, environment, and fire protection.